Our Services

We are committed to learning from our individual grants and grant programmes and to supporting our partners to reflect on their work, learn and develop. In addition to financial support and the grant manager relationship, we offer a professional development programme for all our Pears partners, working closely with our partners to identify the issues they would like to explore.



The Jessica Claypole Foundation strives to prevent the abuse and exploitation of street-connected children by rescuing them from crisis situations, starvation and providing life-saving healthcare.



The Jessica Claypole Foundation runs drug rehabilitation programmes, as solvent abuse is a major problem for many young people around the world.



The Jessica Claypole Foundation runs nutrition awareness programmes, as the combination of malnutrition and infection is the leading cause of death among young children in India.



The Jessica Claypole Foundation believes that education is the pathway out of poverty and is fundamental to building an independent, successful life.



The Jessica Claypole Foundation is committed to sustainable development, as being able to earn a living from a skill is a long-term solution to poverty.



The Jessica Claypole Foundation is improving the health of street children and families living in the slums of Kolkata and healthcare is a priority in our fight against poverty.

We believe that thoughtful and effective philanthropy is about creating spaces

Beyond grants

The Jessica Claypole Foundation is committed to learning from our individual grants and grant programmes and to supporting our partners to reflect on their work, learn and develop. In addition to financial support and the grant manager relationship, we offer a professional development programme for all our Pears partners, working closely with our partners to identify the issues they would like to explore.

The programme is a mixture of reflective workshops that focus on skills for teamwork, problem-solving and leadership and ‘lunch and learns’ with guest speakers. We also offer tailored training or consultancy support to individual organisations.

Fundraising For Coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic marks an unprecedented time in modern history that will require the best of humanity to overcome. The Jessica Claypole Foundation donation funds will help stop COVID-19’s spread and protect us all.

Life Forever With Sponsorship.

As the global leader in child-focused humanitarian response, Jessica Claypole Foundationhas created more safe spaces in and around the world for children in emergencies than any other humanitarian organization. When a disaster strikes, these safe spaces can provide children with protected environments in which they participate in organized activities to play, socialize, learn, and express themselves as they rebuild their lives.


Childhood Development

Our programs ensure that young children survive and thrive – physically and emotionally – and ready them for school success.

In 2020, we directly reached 3 million children through our global education programs. Together, we are achieving breakthroughs in education for children.

Global Education Program

The Jessica Claypole Foundation has delivered quality education to over 273 million children in the last decade – more than any other global development organization.

Globally, we ensure children develop foundational skills in the early years, learn to read by third grade and that no child’s learning stops because they are caught up in crisis.

Supporting 11 countries in Africa and Asia to assist with necessities to have a better life

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
0 K+
Members Worldwide
0 +
Children Helped
$ 0 M+
Funds Raised
0 T
Food Provided